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Paddock School

Partnerships with other Agencies

Paddock School works closely with other agencies across Wandsworth and where necessary, other boroughs.  We work closely with Social Services and your child's social worker will attend their annual Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) meetings. 

We have an ongoing dialogue with the staff at the respite centres, in particular Oakdene where many of our pupils receive respite care. 

We work together with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) if a referral has been made for a pupil.  We also receive support from the Educational Psychology team who may, with parental permission, observe and offer advice on a pupil or write advice for a Statement to provide training for school staff and parents / carers.

Teachers from the peripatetic services for the hearing and visually impaired work with pupils throughout the school, devising programmes and offering advice.

Prior to attending school, your child may have been receiving Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy at a Children's Centre, at home or in an Early Years Centre.  Therapy may have been provided individually or in small groups.  When your child comes to school, therapy services will be delivered in a different way.  Therapy will form part of the total school programme and will be delivered by a multi therapy disciplinary team, including therapists, teachers and learning support assistants.