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Paddock School


Our Aims

The aim of the Governing Body of Paddock School is to provide the highest quality education for the children, through sound governance that promotes dedicated teaching within a stimulating and safe environment, where all children are valued and encouraged to develop their full potential.

The Governing Body comprises representatives of parents, staff, the community and the local authority. It acts as a corporate body through a committee structure that sets, monitors and reviews the strategic direction of the school and provides constructive and challenging support.

The Full Governing Body meets once each term and each governor attends at least one sub committee which also meet termly.

Annual priorities are laid down in the School Development Plan.

Anyone wishing to contact the School Governors can do so through clerk@paddock.wandsworth.sch.uk

Individual Governors support our aim through:




  • active involvement with the school and the wider community in a variety of ways that reflect their interests and skills,
  • the sharing of their knowledge and views with the other governors,
  • membership of committees and
  • on-going training and development.

Governor Voting Rights:

  •  All governors  automatically have voting rights at FGB meetings and on the committees to which they are appointed. This is standard.
  • The regulations specify that Associate Members can attend and contribute to discussions at FGB meetings, but they may not vote. The Board can confer voting rights on Associate Members for the committees to which they are appointed. Paddock currently has no Associate Members.

PDF Information about the Board of Governors

PDF Declaration of Pecuniary Interests

PDF Annual Governance Statement

 PDF Governor Attendance

PDF The Role of the Governing Body 

PDF Trade Union Facility Time

*Minutes of meetings are available on request via the clerk