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Paddock School


Curriculum Overview

Learner Aspirations: 

The aim of the Paddock School Curriculum is to prepare pupils for life beyond Paddock School.  This is articulated through our pupil aspirations.  These aspirations were developed in consultation with all stakeholders including pupils, staff, parents, therapists, psychologists, peripatetic teachers, governors and volunteers.   

A young person who can be as independent as possible in all daily living skills 

A young person who uses functional numeracy and literacy skills. 

A young person who is socially aware and develops appropriate relationships 

A young person who expresses themselves creatively and appreciates the arts 

A young person who can cope with change 


Preparing pupilsfor life beyond Paddock  

A young person who can make positive choices 


A young person who communicates effectively 

A young person who can express and manage their emotions and behaviour 

A young person who is resilient and has high self esteem 

A young person with a basic sense of morality and understanding of rights and how to respect themselves and others 

A young person who follows a safe and healthy lifestyle 

A young person who can access facilities in the local community 

A young person who uses technology effectively and safely 

A young person with meaningful work or self-occupation skills 

A young person who is aware of the world around them 

Curriculum Areas: 

The Paddock School curriculum aims to prepare pupils for life beyond Paddock. Our curriculum areas, which overlap with the National Curriculum, closely correlate with the areas of the EHCP to facilitate progress towards pupil’s individual long-term outcomes. The curriculum is organised to provide a broad range of personalised experiences to develop skills, knowledge and support progress towards our learner aspirations over time. 

EHCP Areas

Curriculum Areas


Communication and Interaction

My Communication, Language and Literacy

My Mathematics and Numeracy

·A young person who communicates effectively

·A young person who is socially aware and able to interact with others and develop appropriate relationships

·A young person who is able to use functional numeracy and literacy

Cognition and Learning

Self-help and Independence/ Preparing for Adulthood




My Wider Skills



My World

·A young person who can make positive choices

·A young person who can be as independent as possible in all daily living skills

·A young person who can access facilities in the local community

·A young person with meaningful work or self-occupation skills

·A young person who follows a healthy and safe lifestyle

·A young person who can express and manage their emotions and behaviour

·A young person who can cope with change

·A young person with is resilient and has high self-esteem and positive self-image

·A young person who expresses themselves creatively and appreciates the arts

·A young person who uses technology effectively and safely

·A young person who is aware of the world around them

·A young person with a basic sense of morality and understanding of rights and how they can respect themselves and others

Social and Emotional Well-being and Mental Health

Physical /Sensory

 The curriculum is organised into our core areas, in which we regularly assess and monitor progress:  

  • My Communication, language and literacy 
  • My Numeracy 
  • My Wider Skills 

 And our enrichment area, in which we support broader understanding of the world: 

  • My World 

The curriculum at each phase of education is personalised, based on pupils’ developmental starting point, interests and learning needs. Our curriculum is delivered via different learner pathways, pre formal, semi-formal or formal. Learner pathways detail the types of learning experiences for different cohorts of pupils. EHCP long-term outcomes are broken down into smaller steps to formulate termly Personal Learning Goals (PLGs). These goals are incorporated within the curriculum learning/subject areas and topics, to personalise the learning.    

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact your Head of School.