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Paddock School


In March 2015,  we approached Roehampton Garden Society with a view to trying to gain an allotment for the school. In the August, we were delighted to be allocated a plot of 4 rods which is approximately 25 square metres. When we took it over it was very overgrown.  One of our members of staff, has additional responsibility for overseeing the development of the allotment and for organising the learning opportunities for the students.

The students from both Paddock Middle and the Upper School work hard to a carefully planned schedule and are responsible for developing the allotment and for planting and growing the vegetables.  Once harvested, these vegetables will either be used in the soup, salad and cottage pies sold in the school Cafe and any excess produce will be sold.

 Before                                                         After



Since working on the plot we have been digging and weeding to create vegetable beds.

Sixth form students also go to Holly Lodge Centre in Richmond Park on a regular basis. This contains an established kitchen garden where the students can learn and develop their gardening skills, grow a variety of vegetables from seed and use a variety of gardening tools independently. These skills will then be transferred to gardening at school and the allotment.