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Paddock School


In 2015, The Roehampton Garden Society kindly awarded the school a substantial sized plot (approx 25 Square metres) to use as an amazing outside learning opportunity for our pupils. 

Secondary aged pupils from St Margaret's Crescent and Priory Lane attend this space to learn about their environment.  Through a very well managed schedule, each group that attends perform various tasks dependant on the time of year.

The pupils will follow the growth cycle from seed to the point of harvest. The fruit and vegetables grown will either be used by our school cafe to make soup, cottage pies or seasonal salads, any excess produce will be sold.  

             Before                                            After



Working on the allotment, our pupils have undertaken various tasks such as digging and weeding to create good growing space where we grow our fruit and vegetables.

To gain further exposure to this kind of environment our Sixth Form pupils also attend the Holly Lodge Centre in Richmond Park on a regular basis. Holly Lodge has an established kitchen garden where the pupils continue to learn and develop their gardening skills, grow a variety of vegetables from seed, and use a variety of gardening tools independently. These learnt skills are all transferable and are used in the school allotment.