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Paddock School

Communication and Open Door Policy

At Paddock Schools, we operate an open door policy.  This means that parents / carers are welcome to visit by appointment, however it is not appropriate to 'drop in' to classes.  We do however offer you the opportunity for a class visit each year by invitation.  As teachers all have full teaching commitments, appointments will need to be made for meetings with them although they will endeavour to phone you to discuss any issues or concerns as soon as possible.

Teachers will provide a termly phone call to discuss the progress of your child and parents / carers are formally invited to an annual Educational Health Care Plan meeting.  Pupils are also given a home-school diary which allows daily communication between parents / carers and their child's class team.  Parents / carers are strongly encouraged to read the daily updates and to respond accordingly.

Coffee mornings and workshops are arranged on specific topics by our Family Liaison Officer, Georgina Hania and speakers are invited from time to time.  More information is detailed in our termly newsletters, on our websites diary as well as on Facebook.